2017 Inferno
The Hottest Tourney in Town!
September 16th
The Inferno is our annual end of summer tournament and celebration of SPL. If you've played in years past you know this tourney is a blast and ALL skill levels are welcome. We start in the morning with round-robin activity much like (but a little different than) a normal SPL week. Then we will have a lunch on Country's outside terrace (overlooking the golf course) and our SPL awards ceremony. In the afternoon, based on morning results, we choose random partners and are divided into A, B and C brackets. Much like the “big” tourneys, you are guaranteed a certain amount of play. In this case, you are guaranteed the equivalent of two matches in the morning and at last one in the afternoon. After your matches are done we highly encourage everyone to come over to CRC to watch the semi's & finals and partake in the ice cream truck, beer, and music! After the paddle festivities, there will be an SPL closing party at Lea and Leland’s which is a blast. Last year, it featured chipotle catering, two kegs, plenty of other drinks, games and other things. If you win the Golden Paddle, you must be there to bask in your glory and be prepared to uphold SPL tradition.
*Please note that you are signing up individually and we will pair you up SPL style the day of. This is an all day event so plan accordingly. We will start around 9am and plan on committing to around 4pm